Begin Where You Are and Such as You Are

Welcome to The Unmooring! We are thrilled to be launching our online presence, and letting everyone know where we are heading in the coming months. It’s our hope and expectation to do a short “teaser” issue sometime this fall, with our first full issue out in February 2021.

This work comes out of a place of deep humility and respect for all of the women who are present and fighting to make their voices heard in the midst of a particularly trying time for the Christian church. We hope to create a space to share ideas and contemplation as well as provocative arguments and reflections about issues involving Christian theology and the overarching church.

While we look to amplify and publish female-identifying voices, all are welcome to read and share. Please join us in the beginning of our wayfinding through The Unmooring.

Interested in learning more? Stay in touch by signing up for our brief and infrequent but important newsletter updates here!

BlogBonnie Rubrecht