Maundy Thursday: Finding Jesus in Feet Washing - a short story of intimacy

Kneeling. Waiting. Will anyone come to my station? What if they don’t...What if they DO!!! Quietly, someone slips into the chair in front of me but I can’t seem to look up to make eye contact — why is that? I suddenly realize I don’t know how to do this.

How do I wash someone else’s feet? What if I make a mistake and offend them or worse, make a fool of myself. Dare I peek at the others to see what I should do? And why am I embarrassed? I volunteered to do this but now I can’t remember why I would volunteer for something so foolish. While pondering these things I finish washing the feet of the person sitting in front of me. I am finally able to look up and I mumble a quiet thank you. The next person sits down.

Humbly kneeling by the water I continue washing others feet, one by one. It is easier now that I know what to do, but I am not prepared for how emotional the experience is. I feel low and humble from this spot on the ground and freshly embarrassed each time I begin to wash the feet of a new stranger in front of me. It is shockingly intimate.

But, this is what He asks us to do and this is what He did for us. We are not to act better than those around us but to truly serve others with love. Humbly kneeling in that spot I catch a fleeting glimpse of understanding of what Jesus did for me...

No one is left. My job on this Maundy Thursday is finished, so I start to gather my things when someone taps on my shoulder. Wait… its my turn! I sit. Put my feet in the water and I am overwhelmed.