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Our Mission

The Unmooring is a publication exploring critical issues of Christian faith through art & writing to empower & amplify women's voices.

We grapple with the complexities of the Christian faith across Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox traditions, publishing the essays, articles, liturgies, prayer and artwork by women from all over the world.

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Our Impact

The Unmooring is an open-access online journal published like a traditional print journal. We feature women’s artwork and writing on issues of Christian faith, and have been blessed with incredibly talented contributors from all over the world. Share our mission to amplify women’s voices by learning more about our mission and sharing work from the issues we’ve already published.



Women Published

The Unmooring has published the creative work of over 50 women representing countries in Europe, Australia, Africa and the United States from various Christian faith backgrounds.


Global reach

The Unmooring has a global reach with visitors from over 31 different countries, with more reading our work every day.


Journal Views

The Unmooring Journal has been read worldwide with over 7000 impressions.
